HOPE women’s ministry is based on Hebrews 6:19 “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” The acronym HOPE is a visual reminder of our purpose to serve the women that make up the body of Christ at FBC. We seek to HONOR God, we strive to OBEY him, we commit to PRAY for others and we desire to ENCOURAGE each other. HOPE.
The ANCHOR is a visual reminder that our hope is in Christ Jesus alone. When our circumstances seem anything but firm and secure, His Word stands true. He alone is steadfast and sure. We place our HOPE in Him

Founded in 1995, the Pauline Hughes Women on Mission group remains an active and vital ministry. These Women on Mission have a busy calendar of projects, both local and global. They sponsor a coat drive, collect back packs & school supplies for an Appalachian Outreach and for our ABC preschool. They support the Baptist Sharing House, Cabarrus Baptist Association, Junior Charity League, CVAN, Hospice, My Father’s House, Samaritan’s Purse, the Baptist Children’s Home and others. They also reach out to our home-bound membership and support the foreign mission teams. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month in various homes.
Their namesake, Pauline Hughes, was awarded a WMU scholarship to attend Southwestern Baptist Seminary where she met and married Ross Hughes. They served on the mission field in Oklahoma until being called by the Home Mission Board to Columbus, Ohio, where they helped to begin 28 new missions. Twenty of these became churches. They retired in 1978 & moved to Concord to be near their son. Pauline taught a Ladies Sunday School class at FBC until her death in 1999.

SHELLS is an acronym for what we consider the basic parts of mission work: She Helps others, Encourages others, Loves others, Listens to others and Serves others – locally, around our state and across the world.
While all are not able to physically GO on missions, all are able to support missions, by prayer and/or financial support. That’s the focus of SHELLS…Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (NIV). SHELLS meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month in various homes.

“WOVEN is a Women on Mission group of young women. Their name, Woven, comes from Colossians 2:1-2, Paul’s hope is for them, and us, to be ‘knit together by strong ties of love.” Woven meets off campus on the first Tuesday of each month. They participate with SHELLS WoM and Pauline Hughes WoM groups to accomplish our church-wide Missions focus according to Acts 1:8.